

  1. 答:Abstract: With the corporate separation of ownership and management rights, the interests of principal and agent inconsistencies, allowing the owner how to motivate and effectively control the level of corporate executives can operate efficiently and achieve the performance of the core problem. In this paper, the relevant knowledge of the equity incentive reviewed, the described senior management equity incentive (commonly known as "golden handcuffs"), the factors affecting the efficiency game, and games based on the analysis discusses the role of equity-based incentives.
    Key words: equity incentive senior level Game Analysis
  1. 答:Abstract: As the accelerating development of the molecule technology, it has been increasingly used in many grounds of human life. Along with the excited and confused feeling among people, there are definitely a large number of controversial issues on this magical technology. Especially at the Present, America attempt to prove that creating the artificial blood by ic technology and tended to body experiment for artificial blood after 2013 has brought many arguments. This paper mainly studies the artificial blood made through the ic technology.
  2. 答:summary:With the current molecular technology rapid development, the technology used in our life has more and more. For this kind of magical technology, people hei mixed, this debate. Especially in recently, American shows that by gene engineering technology has developed artificial blood and is scheduled to 2013 after artificial blood for human trials, but also aroused people's controversial, and this paper is mainly to the use of ic engineering to create artificial blood to a shallow prohibited.
  3. 答:hahhha.答案在下面。
    Abstract: With the rapid development of molecular technology now, the technology used in our life has been more and more. For this amazing technology, it is mixed, this dispute. Especially in the past, the United States show that the use of ic engineering technology developed artificial blood, and is scheduled after 2013, human trials of artificial blood, is cause for controversy, and this is mainly on the use of ic engineering to create a shallow artificial blood study.
问:求助我的毕业论文的摘要翻译成英文 300字。。。谢谢 关于美术的翻译
  1. 答:人们熟悉与克里姆特的作品《吻》和他的人物画,而克里姆特的风景画其实也有他很独特的美丽,他的风景画起步较晚,在他人物画壁画最辉煌的时期,因为和教会发生了冲突,他选择了逃离,并且开始了他的风景画创作,并给我们留下了宝贵的财富。他的风景画的构图采取局部化微观式取景,是以微观世界展示宏观世界的典范,视平线比较高也是他风景画的特点。他的画气氛浓厚,呈现给我们的是温柔的,细腻的,就像水流一样潺潺的美丽的感动。艺术的表达有多种多样的方式,而美术中的风景画相对来说是连接自然与人最单纯的方式,克里姆特之所以取得成就一是在于高超的技法,而是在于他对自然独特的理解,他有自己独有的对自然的理解和美的认识,并竭尽的表达自己的感受。而他的对艺术的真诚和对大自然的热爱和高尚的追求则是我们当代热爱艺术的人所需要学习的。
