

  1. 答:+490018101 我师傅 过8J了 以后有什么不懂也能问她
  2. 答:本想自己给你翻的,不过看到楼上的翻的确实不错就算了。其他的回答纯粹浪费感情。不过摘要里面某一个关键词频频出现是很正常的,我写论文时也有这种感觉。
  3. 答:还不如直接到网站上翻译,快又准
  4. 答:这帮疯子……英语可以但是缺乏写论文常识……
    有谁用Chinese sumary和Chinese abstract的? 在写摘要的时候,中文摘要翻译成英文时就变成了英文摘要,所以,只用Abstract这个单词就够了,不要画蛇添足写English abstract了。
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    本人刚过四级,不翻也罢 ,祝你好运!
  5. 答:With China's rapid economic growth, national defense enterprises panied rapid economic development.China's economy has entered pletely new era of the market economy in the situation, the defense industry has e increasingly petition among enterprises.How to enhance petitiveness of enterprises through the development of human resources capacity,My defense is based on the research and analysis in management to discuss the issue.Based on the reality of Guangdong Province defense industry, human resources management from the research resultsdefense of human resource analysis of the current situation.How to attract talent on defense training and human resources development strategies, to make their own views and opinions.trying to make sense to explore practical applications.
  6. 答:这个网站是专门翻译的,
问:请英文高手帮忙翻译我的论文的“题目 摘要 关键词”,万分感激!
  1. 答:Title: Beta and nursery rhymes in primary school English teaching
    Abstract: The interest in learning English is the primary driving force behind effective. Beta and nursery rhymes with its strong sense of rhythm, rhyme loud, easy to memorize, such as the characteristics of a beautiful tone in line with the requirements of physical and mental development of children by children like. In this paper, small poems, nursery rhymes in English teaching features, Beta, nursery rhymes in English teaching specific application, the Beta, nursery methods Beta, the creation and the establishment of nursery Beta, nursery catalog Table IV areas, introduced the Beta and nursery rhymes in English teaching role.
    Key words:
    Beta Nursery
    English teaching
  2. 答:Title: Beta and nursery rhymes in primary school English teaching
    Abstract: The interest in learning English is the primary driving force behind effective. Beta and nursery rhymes with its strong sense of rhythm, rhyme loud, easy to memorize, such as the characteristics of a beautiful tone in line with the requirements of physical and mental development of children by children like. In this paper, small poems, nursery rhymes in English teaching features, Beta, nursery rhymes in English teaching specific application, the Beta, nursery methods Beta, the creation and the establishment of nursery Beta, nursery catalog Table IV areas, introduced the Beta and nursery rhymes in English teaching role.
    Key words: Beta nursery interested in the application of English language teaching
  3. 答:Topic: Little poem and nursery rhymes in elementary school English teaching application
    Abstract: ···
    Key words:()Interest ,English teaching,Apply
  4. 答:一楼的,那个匿名回答的人是来刷分的,我已经向百度投诉你的行为了!!!!!!
问:[英文高手进]!!! 翻译论文摘要和关键词 !!
  1. 答:Abstract: this paper systematically introduced the theoretical logic gist and proofing form of the contradiction, as well as discussed on the ten propositional forms being suitable for proofed by contradiction such as original proposition, negative proposition, unique proposition, and affirmative proposition in details.
    Keywords: Contradiction, Logic gist, Negativeness, Existence, Uniqueness, Infinity
    至于“反证法”,英文称为“proof in contrapositive form”,也就是以证明“对偶命题”来达到证明目的的方法。
    反证法(英文之Proof by contradiction,拉丁文之Reductio ad absurdum)
  2. 答:Abstract: This article systematically introduced the reduction to absurdity theory logic basis, the card topic form, as well as from the outset proposition, the denial proposition, the unique proposition, the affirmation proposition and so on ten kinds have carried on the detailed discussion using the reduction to absurdity suitableness proposition type
    Key word: Reduction to absurdity; Logical basis; Denial; Existence; Uniqueness; Infinity
  3. 答:we sskksv gsdkegn dohgru tpidt ngffporevfrnhfgby mfbg esoihsdfhj fds e akjfe jnbf e jnk fjnksfdmn gf hu esn gshunsd snj djn s
